China 3054228 3018566 NT855 NTA855 diesel engine

China 3054228 3018566 NT855 NTA855 diesel engine




China 3054228 3018566 NT855 NTA855 diesel engine


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Product Details

3054228, 3018566, NT855 NTA855 diesel engine 3054228 is a gasket, specifically an exhaust manifold gasket, used in these engines. The gasket is designed to seal the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head, preventing exhaust gases from leaking out and helping to ensure efficient engine operation. It is typically made of high-temperature resistant materials such as graphite or stainless steel, and its specifications will depend on the specific engine model it is designed for. 3018566 is a seal ring used in the water pump of these engines. It is designed to prevent coolant from leaking out of the water pump, which could lead to overheating and engine damage. The seal ring is typically made of a rubber or silicone material and its specifications will depend on the specific engine model it is designed for. NT855 and NTA855 are both heavy-duty diesel engines used in a variety of applications such as construction, marine, and industrial machinery. Their specifications will depend on the specific application, but in general, they are known for their durability, reliability, and performance. They have a displacement of 14 liters and can produce up to 600 horsepower depending on the configuration.  
Product Details
3054228, 3018566, NT855 NTA855 diesel engine 3054228 is a gasket, specifically an exhaust manifold gasket, used in these engines. The gasket is designed to seal the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head, preventing exhaust gases from leaking out and helping to ensure efficient engine operation. It is typically made of high-temperature resistant materials such as graphite or stainless steel, and its specifications will depend on the specific engine model it is designed for. 3018566 is a seal ring used in the water pump of these engines. It is designed to prevent coolant from leaking out of the water pump, which could lead to overheating and engine damage. The seal ring is typically made of a rubber or silicone material and its specifications will depend on the specific engine model it is designed for. NT855 and NTA855 are both heavy-duty diesel engines used in a variety of applications such as construction, marine, and industrial machinery. Their specifications will depend on the specific application, but in general, they are known for their durability, reliability, and performance. They have a displacement of 14 liters and can produce up to 600 horsepower depending on the configuration.  
China 3054228 3018566 NT855 NTA855 diesel engine
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China 3054228 3018566 NT855 NTA855 diesel engine


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