China Motor Gp-Swing SG | replacement parts

China Motor Gp-Swing SG | replacement parts

Motor Gp-Swing SG | replacement parts
Swingarm Spools: Swingarm spools, also known as paddock stand bobbins, provide a convenient attachment point for rear wheel lifting using a paddock stand. These spools are often made of durable materials like aluminum or steel. If they become damaged or worn, replacing them ensures proper support and stability when using a paddock stand.
Swingarm Chain Adjusters: Chain adjusters allow precise adjustment of the chain tension to maintain optimal performance and prevent excessive chain wear. Over time, the adjusters can become worn or damaged. Replacing them ensures accurate chain tension adjustment and prevents potential chain-related issues.
Motor Gp-Swing, SG | replacement parts

Swingarm: The swingarm is the main structural component of the Swing SG, connecting the rear wheel to the motorcycle's frame.

In case of damage or excessive wear, replacing the swingarm becomes necessary to maintain stability and control. It is typically made of aluminum alloy or steel, depending on the motorcycle's design.

Swingarm Bearings: Swingarm bearings facilitate smooth movement of the swingarm on its pivot shaft. Due to constant motion and exposure to various road conditions, these bearings can wear out over time. Replacing the swingarm bearings ensures proper alignment and reduces friction, allowing the swingarm to move freely.

Swingarm Pivot Shaft: The pivot shaft connects the swingarm to the motorcycle's frame, enabling it to pivot smoothly during suspension movement. If the pivot shaft becomes bent, worn, or damaged, it can affect the overall handling and stability of the motorcycle. Replacement with a new pivot shaft is essential to restore optimal performance.

Swingarm Bushings: Swingarm bushings are crucial for reducing friction and providing smooth rotational movement between the swingarm and the pivot shaft. Over time, these bushings can wear out, leading to increased play and instability. Replacing worn-out swingarm bushings helps maintain precise alignment and improves the overall handling of the motorcycle.

Swingarm Chain Slider: The chain slider protects the swingarm from chain impact and wear. It acts as a buffer between the swingarm and the chain, reducing noise and preventing damage to the swingarm surface. Replacing a worn or damaged chain slider is essential to maintain proper chain tension and protect the swingarm from excessive wear.

Swingarm Chain Guide: The chain guide ensures that the chain stays in place and properly aligned with the sprockets. It prevents the chain from derailing or skipping off the sprockets during high-speed or aggressive riding. Replacing a damaged or worn chain guide is necessary to ensure smooth chain operation and prevent potential accidents.

Swingarm Spools: Swingarm spools, also known as paddock stand bobbins, provide a convenient attachment point for rear wheel lifting using a paddock stand.

These spools are often made of durable materials like aluminum or steel. If they become damaged or worn, replacing them ensures proper support and stability when using a paddock stand.

Swingarm Chain Adjusters: Chain adjusters allow precise adjustment of the chain tension to maintain optimal performance and prevent excessive chain wear. Over time, the adjusters can become worn or damaged. Replacing them ensures accurate chain tension adjustment and prevents potential chain-related issues.
Motor Gp-Swing SG | replacement parts