China SENSOR PRES 4436535 Hitachi

China SENSOR PRES 4436535 Hitachi

SENSOR PRES 4436535 Hitachi
Operating temperature range: the range of temperatures at which the sensor can operate reliably
Environmental conditions: such as humidity, vibration, and shock resistance
PRES 4436535 Hitachi


Measuring range: the minimum and maximum values of pressure that the sensor can measure
Output signal: the type of electrical signal the sensor produces, such as voltage, current, or frequency
Accuracy: how closely the sensor's output corresponds to the actual pressure being measured
Response time: the time it takes for the sensor to provide an accurate reading after pressure changes
Operating temperature range: the range of temperatures at which the sensor can operate reliably
Environmental conditions: such as humidity, vibration, and shock resistance
PRES 4436535 Hitachi SENSOR