Hot sale SENSOR AS-PRESSURE 1611705 - Caterpillar

Hot sale SENSOR AS-PRESSURE 1611705 - Caterpillar

SENSOR AS-PRESSURE 1611705 - Caterpillar
Operating temperature range: The pressure sensor may have a specific temperature range over which it can operate effectively.
Electrical connections: The pressure sensor may have specific electrical connections, such as wire leads or a connector plug, that are used to connect it to a control system.
SENSOR, AS-PRESSURE 1611705 - Caterpillar

Model number: SENSOR AS-PRESSURE 1611705 is the model number for this pressure sensor.

Pressure range: The sensor may have a specific pressure range, typically measured in pounds per square inch (psi), that it is designed to measure.

Output signal: The pressure sensor may produce a specific output signal, such as a voltage or current signal, that corresponds to the measured pressure and can be read by a control system.

Accuracy: The pressure sensor may have a specified level of accuracy, which refers to how closely its readings match the actual pressure being measured.

Operating temperature range: The pressure sensor may have a specific temperature range over which it can operate effectively.

Electrical connections: The pressure sensor may have specific electrical connections, such as wire leads or a connector plug, that are used to connect it to a control system.
AS-PRESSURE 1611705 - Caterpillar SENSOR