OEM 20PS597-7 SH200-A3 pressure sensor

OEM 20PS597-7 SH200-A3 pressure sensor

20PS597-7 SH200-A3 pressure sensor
Pressure port: The type and size of the port through which the sensor measures pressure.
Pressure type: Whether the sensor measures gauge pressure, absolute pressure, or differential pressure.
 20PS597-7, SH200-A3 pressure sensor

Measuring range: The range of pressures that the sensor can measure, typically specified in units such as PSI or bar.
Accuracy: The degree of accuracy with which the sensor can measure pressure, typically expressed as a percentage of the full scale.
Output signal: The type of signal that the sensor outputs, such as voltage or current.
Electrical connection: The type of connector used to connect the sensor to other electrical components.
Operating temperature range: The range of temperatures within which the sensor can operate reliably.
Pressure port: The type and size of the port through which the sensor measures pressure.
Pressure type: Whether the sensor measures gauge pressure, absolute pressure, or differential pressure.
20PS597-7 SH200-A3 pressure sensor