OEM K3SP36C-1CBR-9002 K3SP36C-13BR-9002 TB175 TB180 T175

OEM K3SP36C-1CBR-9002 K3SP36C-13BR-9002 TB175 TB180 T175

K3SP36C-1CBR-9002 K3SP36C-13BR-9002 TB175 TB180 T175
Rotation: Clockwise (viewed from shaft end)
Weight: 20 kg
Suitable for use in a variety of applications, including construction equipment such as the Takeuchi TB175, TB180, and T1.
K3SP36C-1CBR-9002, K3SP36C-13BR-9002, TB175 TB180 T175

Model: K3SP36C-1CBR-9002 and K3SP36C-13BR-9002
Type: Axial piston pump
Maximum operating pressure: 34.3 MPa (343 bar)
Displacement: 36 cc/rev
Nominal output: 22.5 kW at 2500 rpm (K3SP36C-1CBR-9002) and 19 kW at 2500 rpm (K3SP36C-13BR-9002)
Input power: 14-20 kW (K3SP36C-1CBR-9002) and 12-17 kW (K3SP36C-13BR-9002)
Rotation: Clockwise (viewed from shaft end)
Weight: 20 kg
Suitable for use in a variety of applications, including construction equipment such as the Takeuchi TB175, TB180, and T1.


K3SP36C-13BR-9002 K3SP36C-1CBR-9002 TB175 TB180 T175