OEM YB15V00003F2 SK200-6E E215B M5X130CH
YB15V00003F2 SK200-6E E215B M5X130CH
The M5X130CH is a hydraulic motor manufactured by Doosan. It has a maximum displacement of 130 cc/rev and a maximum torque of 1,095 Nm (809 lb-ft). The motor has a maximum speed of 57 rpm and a maximum pressure rating of 35 MPa (5,076 psi).
The M5X130CH is a hydraulic motor manufactured by Doosan. It has a maximum displacement of 130 cc/rev and a maximum torque of 1,095 Nm (809 lb-ft). The motor has a maximum speed of 57 rpm and a maximum pressure rating of 35 MPa (5,076 psi).
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